Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Journal Entry #4 - Butler, Embodiment, and Second Life

Tonight was both frustrating and fun. The first part of class, while discussing Butler, was the frustrating part. I just have a hard time grasping what she is trying to say. I am glad Dr. G let me wait until Thursday to discuss my chapter since I need to revisit it. I am not sure how much the class discussion will help because I had a hard tome following much of what was said. I'll see what happens - tomorrow is a new day. I did see Butler's writing reflected in Sloop's from last week. The idea that gender needs to move away from the binary was evident in both. These ideas were played out in SL. Amy's avatar, Eggbert, was a mixture of female and male signifiers. There was a hint of breasts and a full beard. I think I'll play with my avatar a little to see what I can do. In the meantime, it would be interesting to see how others react to Eggbert and what/who they think the person is in RL.

The discussion on embodiment in SL was interesting, but difficult to follow because I have not read much on embodiment. However, holding the discussion in SL made it interesting. I wish I knew more about Gore (?) since there were so many references. I did not enjoy the experience as much because of the rapid progression of text. It was hard to read it all let alone contribute. I did manage a few lines though. In addition, the existence of my avatar in SL didn't really make a difference to me. You are so focused on reading that the graphics seem irrelevant. Not vey immersive. I thought of the time we used the Blackboard system for chat last semester. This was less frustrating because you could see more text in the SL system. Perhaps having fewer participants would make it easier. I am eager to see the transcript so that I can review the discussion for more info. Till next time - toodles.

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