Thursday, July 05, 2007

Journal Entry #3 - A Few Connections

I am not sure if an entry is needed for last Tuesday's class, but I am going to start one anyway, and then after tonight's class, I may add more to these thoughts.

I have been going over the readings/summaries from our first two books as well as thinking about the assignments we have had so far. One of the themes in Potter's book dealt with how morals affect science and another dealt with how knowledge is produced in communities, not in isolation. In looking back at Tuesday's trip to Perrysburg Heights (PH)/Levis Commons (LC), I can certainly see how both of these themes tied to the assignment.

For one, we have been encouraged to work in groups to summarize the books, complete assignments, and interact in Second Life. All of these interactions allow us to process and produce knowledge ala Potter's themes. This process will continue for the next four weeks as we complete this class, and for those of us who continue on in research, perhaps for a lifetime.

The values/morals theme was apparent in our trip to PH and LC. What an interesting contrast there was between the two with PH evidently a low income area and LC as an example of capitalism at its finest (and still in development). One has to wonder if the surrounding development will eventually squeeze PH out of existence, and what was the moral reasoning behind choosing this location as the spot for LC?

I have some interesting pictures that I have made into a slideshow. I have brought this into our discussion boards and am interested to see others' reactions to my little movie as well as their own trips. More on the readings and Second Life in the next post.

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