Thursday, July 05, 2007

Journal Entry #1 - The Token Male

Tonight’s class was interesting on many levels. I was the “token” male in the class which was a new experience for me. Since much of the discussion centered on marginalization, my situation gave me a different perspective. I am not trying to say that anyone was intentionally trying to make me uncomfortable. If anything, it was my change in status that made the difference – I made myself uncomfortable. I think that the experience was mitigated by the fact that I knew 2/3 of the people already. If I had not known so many of the students, I would have felt even stranger. In addition, I was also a little out of my comfort zone with the topic. However, I am sure that will change as I get into the readings.

In regard to the discussion, I was reminded of some discussions we had in Cyberculture and Philosophical Foundations. Specifically, I thought of Keller’s Reflections on Gender and Science. She also dealt with the beginnings of science and the positivists. The article we were given in class partially dealt with positivism and how feminists have reacted to it. There seems to be a mixed reaction, but I believe that is good since it leads to multiple ways of knowing (something else discussed in class).

On a side note, every time someone used the word oppressed/repressed, I had to keep myself from laughing. I recently watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, so I kept hearing, “Help! Help! I’m being repressed! Come and see the violence inherent in the system.” So much for autonomist collectives!

I am glad to see more structure to this class. Having the readings planned out is a big help. Thanks Dr. G!

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