Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Still not a better blogger

Well it's April, and I'm still not a better blogger. I do have my journalism class using them though. And to top it all off, yesterday was my birthday. The big four three! Yikes that sounds old. In seven years I'll be half of a century old. How depressing is that. And once again, I'm at the end of semester with too much to do and too little time. Tomorrow I leave for the Central States Communication Association (CSCA) conference in Indy. That's kinda exciting. My first conference as an academic. I am starting pretty low though since I am presenting as part of a panel. I guess it's a way of easing into this. The people I am working with are great though, and in my humble opinion, much more brilliant than I. Jake, Ian, Amy, Nikki, Rucha, Mike, Nick (or should I say Face!)...you guys are great and it is a privilege knowing and working with you. If I missed a name, my deepest apologies. Next fall I need to aim for NCA which is in San Antonio I believe. Ought to be warmer there than Ohio. That's definitely something to cheer the soul. I guess it's time to sign off. Got to read about Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. There's a good night's sleep in my future.