- What did I do to accomplish my goals in OD today?
- How might I approach the next class to more fully accomplish this?
In reference to the first question, the primary things I did were to complete the reading assignments and review. Because of my background in computers, I was already pretty familiar with the readings. However, I am not very familiar with HTML. Because of this, I spent time just playing around with the code and seeing what I could come up with. It was pretty easy to add bold and italics and a little bit harder to add links to other pages and e-mail, but not that hard. I was able to set up links to my blogs as well as my BG e-mail address. Essentially, I just went out and found examples, looked at the source code, and revised it to fit my needs. This is something that Dr. Mara mentioned in class on Wednesday. Copy and paste are indeed your best friends. I find that experimenting with the code is always the best way for me to learn. I have always done this, whether it be while in the process of learning software such as Word, Excel, etc. or learning code like we did Visual Basic. During the class, I created a program for my daughter that allowed her to learn her times tables. It essentially took two numbers, asked her to multiply them, and she then typed in the answer. The results were written to a txt file for me to review (she didn't know that part). It was simple, but fun for me and her.
In reference to the second question, at this point I do not think I would do anything different. I know how I learn best and have been practicing this for years. While we are learning the basics of HTML and Dreamweaver, I will continue to play as a method of learning.
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