Monday, February 07, 2005

Research Proposal (really, really rough)

The purpose of this study is to propose a classification system for blogs and, in addition, research the feasibility of using such a classification system. In order to do so, bloggers will be surveyed to gain an understanding of how they view their own blogs. This information can then be used to set up various classifications. To begin, however, a matrix that combines two current classifications systems will be used to determine each blog’s form and style.

The blog form is based on Jill Walker’s classification into type of content: textual, photographic, video, and audio. The blog style is taken from Rebecca Blood’s classification according to style, which is based largely on content. According to Gurak, et. al., Blood’s classification can be broken down into two styles: “…an original filter-style, where the blogger is primarily an editor and annotator of links, and a later, more personal ‘blog-style’ weblog, where bloggers engage in ‘an outbreak of self-expression.’” Whereas the first letter in the matrix identifies he form, the second letter identifies the style.

After information is gathered from various bloggers, sub-classification systems will be developed to specifically identify the blogs. It is anticipated that these classifications will include a variety of subclasses such as academic, humor, gaming, adult, business, etc. The end result will be a notation system to aid in classification. Therefore, a blog may be identified as TF-political, meaning the blog is text-based and filter style, where the blogger acts as an editor and annotator of links regarding political issues. Or, a blog might be classified as VP-academic, where the blogger uses personal video to expound on academic issues.

It is my belief that this type of classification system can help by aiding others in making sense of blog contents, searching for information, improving the accuracy of a search, understanding a complex topic, differentiating between different blog topics, and locating similar blogs.

The other part of the research is to determine whether a classification system such as this is feasible. It is acknowledged that some blogs might defy classification, but it is only through examination that this can be determined. Even if some blogs do not fit neatly into any specific classification, the system may still be useful for the reasons mentioned above.

The following is a rough look at several research-related factors.


This project will be spread out over an eight to ten week period ending mid-April 2005 with data collection proceeding almost immediately.

Audience The audience for this project would include academia, researchers, bloggers, portion of general public that views blogs, government, ISPs, web portals.

Review of the Literature
To be completed

Research Plan
To be completed

Evaluation To be completed

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