Sunday, January 30, 2005

Research Question

I have been struggling with this one a bit over the past few days. Part of the confusion stems from the fact that I have so many varied interests. If I stick with the blogging idea, I am looking at a couple of avenues. One involves the need for a code of ethics for blogging. I guess that the question might be:

Is a code of ethics necessary, ethical, beneficial, harmful...for bloggers?

I have also thought about looking at blogs from the viewpoint of categorizing them. Dr. Mara has suggested that I look at Carolyn Miller's work in regard to this topic. Specifically, her publication Into the Blogosphere. Possible questions related to the question of genre include:

What blog genres exist? Is it even necessary to categorize blogs? Why or why not?

Finally, I have started looking at an area completely separate from blogging. I have always been an avid computer gaming enthusiast, and recently have become more interested in online gaming. In addition, I just found out that I have been officially accepted into the doctoral program in Communication Studies here at BG! In talking to the graduate coordinator, the subject of communcation in online environments, and more specifically, online games, came up. I was also intrigued by some of the readings in the English 112 reader regarding this subject. I particularly enjoyed Alex Pham's "Boy, You Fight Like a Girl," which dicussses gender switching in online games. a third possibility, I might like to look at how reactions differ between male and female or female to female characters in online gaming.

Ta Ta for now!

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