Saturday, March 05, 2005

What Have I Done for My Research Project?

What I have I done? Well, I am not sure that this will take 250 words, but here goes. (Isn't technical communication about bringing down the walls of text? I could probably do this in a few bullet points.)

There are several things I have done for my research project. Please realize that some of these cross over into my thesis and Online Documentation class. At this point, I have actually done quite a bit of research. This has mainly included looking at what has been done in relation to blog genres. Some of the people I have (figuratively) run into in cyberspace include Carolyn Miller, who conducted a lot of the original work in this area of genres, Rebecca Blood (gotta love the name), Jill Walker, and although not technically a person, the Media class at Richard Stockton College in New Jersey. There have been a few others that are currently on my annotated bibliography, but those listed are the ones I have utilized the most.

In addition, I have been kind of in a continual state of revision with my research proposal. I think it is finally pretty close to complete. I am trying not to get too hung up with this because I could end up wasting time by rehashing the same old stuff. However, I do find that it helps clarify my thoughts and the "plan" becomes ingrained in my mind.

Last week, I spent a few minutes talking with Dr. Mara about where this was all heading. That was a definite plus because, as a result, I finally got the proposal to where I think it ought to be. I have always found that I work best when I can bounce ideas off of someone else. Sometimes my wife is a big help in that area; sometimes it needs to be some else who has more knowledge of the topic, or who is more familiar with my own personal work.

At any rate, that's about it. This next week is going to be spent getting the annotated "bib" together. Even though it is spring break and I would rather be someplace warm, it is kind of relaxing to just sit and read at a slower pace than what usually occurs during a regular class week. However, thoughts of the Caribbean still linger...

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